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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

laziness is so damn hard to overcome.whenever i wanna study for a test i just end up distracted by comp or something else that make me lazy to study.hate it.prelims are coming and im still so so dead.but im gonna do whatever i can to get myslef ready for Os.the past few weeks have been normal.this week is much hectic than usual.shouldnt play soccer just now.i noticed playing soccer take up lots of time of studying.i shall stop soccer for a while till i finsh my Os.been saving money for the fun of it.trying to train my handling of money.have been left hand in right hand out.saved like 30 and i spend like 10 away alre.must save must save.when i save is gonna be shopping spree.but a slow one.not too fast.haha.gotta earn my mom trust so that end of the year she will allow me to carry my POSB gonna study hard!i mean i HAVEtoo!!.
help me!!help me concentrate!!!!!!no more distractions and laziness!no more going out and everything!!Math,C.Science,English!im weak at these few.cant belive im weak in English.argh.
gonna sleep now.chao!

Jacques Goh KK

Friday, June 26, 2009

back to blog!came back from Sentosa was a blast of a time with Jueqi,Fazlin and Hafiez.i didnt know that only four people going to Sentosa could be so much fun!yeah man.we had great fun(:came back with shoulders burning like crazy!still hurts now.hopefully it is better tomorrow.will upload pics when i get them.most of them are in FB,soon.haha.i was sleeping this morning when my mom suddenly woke me up and told me that MJ died.i was my i went back to sleep.i woke up and still shocked that he passed away.i have this like sad feeling in me that he died.he had so many nice and cool songs along with his dance.He is just so cool.R.I.P Micheal rock.well.going to prepare my bag for tomorrow intercongre soccer tornament.kinda excited.haha.but my shoulder are painful and i hope that it stops hurting by tomorrow so that i can play well.if not i will be uncomfortable.i will pray hard for that.haha.Nth much to blog.but i sure know that i had great fun yesterday and i was playing in sentosa when Micheal Jackson is kinda sad.haha.

As a remembriance for MJ,this Thriller song is for him(:
Jacques Goh KK